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Live webcasts on Management Commentary Thu, 02 Dec 2010 14:01:38 GMT |
IASB On Thursday 16 December staff of the IASB will present two webcasts about the IFRS Practice Statement Management Commentary. Management commentary is a narrative report that provides a context for the related financial statements. The Practice Statement provides a broad, non-binding framework for the presentation of management commentary that relates to financial statements that have been prepared in accordance with International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRSs). Register to participate There's no charge to attend the web presentation, but you need to register to participate. You can do this now or any time before the presentation. If you register now, the provider will automatically remind you of the presentation nearer the time. You can listen to the webcast over the internet or by telephone. For the convenience of participants in different time zones we have scheduled two slots for the webcast: Thursday 16 December 10am (London time) Web registration Dialling in Thursday 16 December 4pm (London time) Web registration Dialling in |
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