1. "How To Represent Before Income Tax Appellate Tribunal" - A Presentation
(Please click here for PPT)
2. "How to Represent Before CIT(A)" - A Presentation
(Please click here for PPT)
What's New
Income Tax Notification No. 38 - Jurisdiction of CIT Ghaziabad, NOIDA & Meerut (Click for detail)
Service Tax Instructions - Flying Training Institutes /academies would clearly come in the category of coaching centres as laid out in the section 65(27) of the Finance Act ibid (either prior to or after Budget 2011) and therefore would be taxable (Click for detail)
RBI/2011-12/ 112 - Regularization of Liaison / Branch Offices of foreign entities established during the pre-FEMA period (Click for detail)
Finance Ministry Junks Objections to Benami Bill (Click for detail)
Now, Pay Only 15% Tax on Short-term Gains (Click for detail)
"Getting UPSET Will Not Help,
Get UP & SET Your Goals &
Things Will Become Easier"
Thanks for your valuable time
"Voice of CA"
CA. Sanjay Kumar Agarwal
Founder - Voice of CA
Mob : 9811080342, agarwal.s.ca@gmail.com
CA. Sidharth Jain, Co-Moderator
CA. Mukesh K Bansal, Co-Moderator-FEMA