III. Indirect Tax Case laws:
1. Seven Star Steels Ltd. Vs. Commissioner of Central Excise, Appeal No. ST/21 OF 2011, DATE: 07.12.2012 , CESTAT - KOLKATA
Rule 3(5) of Cenvat Credit Rules applies for reversal of Cenvat credit
on inputs or capital goods is also applicable to credit availed on
“input services"?
appellant was engaged in the manufacture of sponge iron. Appellant used
iron ore as their raw material. In procuring the raw material the
appellant paid service tax for GTA service. During the year, the
appellant sold some quantity of raw material by some other name. It was
contended by the department there is need for reversal of CENVAT credit
since the input is removed as such therefore rule 3(5) gets attracted.
CESTAT held its decision in favor of appellant. The CESTAT stated that
Rule 3 (5) of the Cenvat Credit Rules, 2004, is directed for reversal of
Cenvat credit on inputs or capital goods and the same is not applicable
to the credit availed on the "input services".
(Please click here for judgment)
2. VSE Stock Services Ltd. v. Commissioner of Central Excise, APPEAL NO. ST/188 OF 2011, NOVEMBER 16, 2012, CESTAT - Ahmedabad
the department is justified in issuing the show cause notice when the
assessee himself disclosed and paid the amount of default due on his
assessee had taken the CENVAT credit in respect of service tax paid by
him. On getting to know the credit was not admissible the assessee paid
the amount with interest. On verification by the department, it was
found there is short payment. The department instead of informing the
same to assessee issued SCN to assessee. The assessee contended that
there is violation of Sec 73(3) since department was required to
intimate the assessee about the same.
held the decision in favour of assessee. Since, it was duty of the
department to intimate the assessee and in case of default issue the
(Please click here for judgment)