1. CIT Vs. Torrent Power Ltd., I.T.A. No. 603/2013, Date of Order: 04.02.2014, Gujarat High Court
Can AO make disallowance u/s 14A of Income Tax Act, 1961, where assessee have sufficient own funds for making investment?
Held No
assessee filed the return of income for A.Y. 2006-2007, shown the exempt
income being tax free interest on bonds. AO sent show cause notice as
to why the disallowance under section 14A would not be made. In reply to
show cause notice assessee said that it had huge funds on which no
interest has been paid and no part of expenditure also was incurred
towards the investment activity. However AO did not consider the reply
of assessee and disallow 1% of interest expense u/s 14A.
High Court held that there is nothing on record to indicate that there
has been any actual expenditure incurred by the assessee for earning tax
free income. There is no finding given by the A.O regarding any direct
nexus between interest bearing borrowed funds and investment. Hence, in
our considered opinion, no disallowance u/s. 14A can be made out of
interest expenditure in the facts of the present case.
In the result, the appeal of the assessee is dismissed.
(Please click here for judgment)
2. CIT Vs. M/s. Faith Biotech Pvt. Ltd., I.T.A. No. 509/2014, Date of Order: 12.09.2014, Delhi High Court
claiming deduction u/s 80-IC of Income Tax Act, 1961, assembling of
tools and machinery for final product is equal to manufacturing process.
a company was engaged in the business of manufactures of health care
and surgical items, file its return of income and claim deduction u/s
80-IC of the Act. During assessment proceedings AO disallow such claim
on the basis that assessee was not engage in manufacturing activity, the
assessee was mere assembler of tools or machinery. In reply assessee
submits the procedure of manufacturing process in which assessee
purchases the tools and machinery. After that he assembles the tools and
make final product.
High Court held that for manufacturing assessee purchase parts like base
motors, filters, UV lights etc. but the final product produced is
entirely different from its constituents or parts. The product
manufactured or produced, is completely a new and an entirely different
commodity having distinct name, character and use. In view of the
aforesaid factual findings, the appeal of revenue is dismissed.
(Please click here for judgment)